Bombora/5th Annual Swap Meet
Monday, March 5, 2012 at 1:53PM

If you've never heard of Ontario's own Bombora Boards...WHERE YA BEEN!?! Bombora's unique brand of gnar is brought to you by Mr. Rob DeFreitas – A local and very talented board builder whose name rings out in the Ontario longboard scene.


Rob has been building boards using Roarockit's Thin Air Press for over 3 years and has built an impressive lineup of boards for various riding styles. From the Ruckus and H.T.F.U of the Garage Series to the freeride favourite Staxxx model, Bombora Boards has a pro board for all shapes and sizes. Aside from building amazing boards, Rob is also a talented Lighting Director on the set of ET Canada, and is the man behind many of your favourite local skate videos.


And if that wasn't enough to make you tremble in his presence, Rob is one of the main organizers behind the stoke-laden Swap Meet!

The Swap Meet is a way for local riders to get together, check out the latest gear, stock up on hardware and shake off the Winter's rust in preparation of the new season.

This year marks the 5th Annual Swap Meet, which again takes place at Roarockit's Professional Deck Building School located at 880 Millwood Rd. Toronto, ON M4G 1X1. With more sponsors, riders and stoke than ever – this is sure to be an all-time amazing event. Come check it out on Sunday March 25th from 12-4pm - SWAP!SWAP!SWAP!

OH!! And don't forget to check out the legendary POOP CHUTE for a Post Swap shred hosted by Toronto's own Skate Invaders!

You can visit the official Facebook home of the 5th Annual Swap Meet by clicking the image below.

Article originally appeared on Rockit Talk Community (
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