This past weekend, March 25th to be exact, the Roarockit Skateboard Company hosted the 5th Annual Swap Meeting at our 880 Millwood location. With the help of numerous sponsors, volunteers and some great weather, we were able to successfully host over 400 spirited boarders from the GTA and beyond.
As many of you already know, the Swap Meet is the unofficial start to the coming years prime skate season in Toronto. We are proud to say that this year was definitely the biggest and best to date! Not only did we cram over 400 skaters into a tiny corner lot in the residential Leaside area (without noise complaints either!), but we were able to give out some great prizes from our many sponsors and help educate riders about our Thin Air Press vacuum bag system. All-in-all it was a great day and the stoke was at an all-time high.
Here are some pics we took from the event. See you next year!
Daddy Roarbucks looking over his people.
Mike from Boz Boards and Skate invader Brad.
Blocka from Longboard living 'Spreading the Stoke'
Ted from Roarockit with artist/rider Lisa Farrows - Chris hocking stickers.
Marcel rockin' a Spooner board!
Ryan Rubin - Official Distributor of Stoke
Uncle Seb and Caitlyn brought beats to the party... aka the car battery operated Trunk of Funk!
Skate Invaders - Cindy, John, Chris and Nuss
...and this is what we mean by the Roarockit community!
Thanks to everyone who helped make the day such a great event. And congrats to Rob from Bombora for having his newborn son juusssssst in time for the Swap! He worked really hard to help organize this whole thing, and we have a feeling little Charlie's gonna be 'Gnar as F^#$!' when he grows up, just like his pops!
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