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Oasis Job Shadowing

For the past 5 weeks we have had the pleasure of hosting two great students from the Oasis Skateboard Factory here at the RockitLabs HQ, as part of their Job Shadowing program. We put these kids to work on everything from taking out the garbage, to helping pack orders. We also let them fix up a few old broken boards we had sitting around the shop, and give new life to them with some killer custom artwork.

Before they left, I asked them to write a short paragraph about their experience here at the Roarockit Skateboard Company.


Student #1

"So far working at Roarockit has been great. I haven’t had much experience in a workplace, so co-op is definitely a good start. I didn’t understand much about how to run a business, but I had in my mind this is where I want to be one day. Everyone here is super friendly and that's my favourite part. I can crack a joke anytime, where other places I didn't find anyone to be as open and relaxed. 

I learned from being here how much work is put into running a business and keeping it afloat. Whether it be simple things or intense detailed labour. There is work involved, no beating around the bush - you want a business? Prepared to get dirty! 

Roarockit is doing a great job expanding their business. They are getting colours veneers, giving people more choice on boards they want to make, and there shop moved to a larger location so they can have more stock. Working in the skate industry has been awesome, I'm glad I got into it instead of horrible office work. I'd like to be a graphic designer for skateboards one day, or something that I can really sink my artistic teeth into. I just hope I can make it there. (I will!!! ) Being at Roarockit has been a great experience, and I hope I can manage as well as they have."

Student #2 

"Roarockit has been a great learning experience. I have learned a lot of the inner workings of a skateboard building business including shipping and setting things up to be shipped. This experience has been very meaningful to me as a skater and as an artist, being given the opportunity to learn about this awesome business and designing a board for them has been amazing.

Working in the skate industry has been an underlying thought in my mind for some time and Roarockit has been inspiring me to pursue it. If I were to work in the skateboard industry, my ideal job would be a board designer and artist but creating shapes for boards would be great too.

My favourite part of being here has been designing the board for the office, I say this because I think it is the best board I have done yet and this great business deserves no less."

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