Post #SWAP6...Post
Another Swap Meet has come and gone, and we would like to thank everyone who came out and helped to make this the best one yet!
We witnessed some pretty amazing swaps go down, and it seems as though most people walked away happy with a bunch of new gear for the season ahead.
Also, a BIG 'thank you' goes out to all the sponsors, organizers and volunteers who helped make this event run smoothly and for spreading the stoke as only our community knows how.
Here's a few photos from the event we are happy to share with you:
Ted visits Costco to get enough food for 500+ hungry skaters
Calm before the storm... setting up early for the long day ahead.
Chris presents Michael Brooke with a custom burned Longboarding For Peace sign
Students from the Oasis Skateboard Factory did a great job volunteering
Longboarding's In Your Heart and the boys from Joule Skateboards
Beautiful weather and sooo much gear!
Even some longboard inspired street art was going down!
Alistair from AM Wood hyping up the crowd for a free board
So proud of everyone who donated to the 'Sliver From Your Quiver' program
Rob from Bombora Boards on the mic at the Post Swap Pooper
Thanks to Jon Nuss for always taking great photos!
You can also check our Facebook page for a full gallery of photos taken from the event.

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