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As the winter weather starts to (hopefully) retreat, and the salt is pushed to the side of the roads – the new year of bombing hills and fancy footwork starts to take focus. What better way to kick off the season ahead than with your friends at the 6th Annual Swap Meet!?! None. Exactly.


As most of you know, the annual Swap Meet is an event for both new and experienced riders to get together to buy, trade and sell their skate/longboard gear. It is a great place for beginners to pick up some gently used safety gear, or for the experienced rider who wants to add something a little different to their quiver.

The Roarockit Team is proud to once again be hosting this event at our dedicated teaching facility (880 Millwood Rd. Toronto, ON) and we hope that it is the biggest and best one to date. As part of our efforts to make this event a memorable one, we are looking at ways to include more sponsors, more prizes and more stoke than ever! 

The event will take place from Noon-4pm on Sunday March 24.  If you want to come early to grab a spot and set up, we would suggest 11:30 earliest.  


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Here's a few things to look forward to:

  1. We will be setting up as many tables, chairs, benches and designated areas for people to set up shop as possible! As always you can claim your space on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis. If you're not familiar with the area, it is a corner lot in a residential neighbourhood and space is at a premium. Because of this, we also ask that you be respectful to the surrounding houses and business... we usually do a pretty good job of this, so let's set a good example for the newbies :)

  2. The 'Sliver from your Quiver' program will be introduced by Michael Brooke's Longboarding For Peace initiative at this year's Swap. They are asking that you bring an old board that you are willing to donate, that will be cleaned up and given to needy students in the GTA as part of their after school longboarding programs. For your donation, you will get a commemorative shirt that signifies your awesomeness.

  3. It's FREE! Free to attend, lots of free draws to enter, free table space, even FREE BBQ! You could potentially come to Swap with no money and have a great time. Ever see the show Barter Kings? Who knows what you could walk away with!?

  4. #SWAP6 – This year we are introducing the SWAP6 hashtag. For anyone who has a Twitter profile, make sure you check #SWAP6 for promotions and giveaways from Roarockit and other participating companies. Follow @Roarockit @BomboraBoards and @Champstiles for all the latest.


PLUS! Don't forget the - POST. SWAP. POOP.  

Once again, everyone's favourite skate team/art collective the Skate Invaders will be hosting a post Swap shred at the Poop Chute.  If you don't know where it is...well, come to the Swap Meet and follow everyone there after!


We would also like to take a second and give a big shout out to ever-growing list of sponsors for this years event:

- Always working hard to help organize this event, big thanks to Rob from Bombora Boards

- Another local builder doing incredible things AM Wood Skateboard Co.

- Ontario Longboarding ...pfft, nuff said!

- Local skateshops Hogtown Extreme Sports - Longboard Living - Longboard Haven

- The Rideable Artwork of Bozboards

- Longboarding for Peace and Concrete Wave Magazine


- "Burnin trees since 83s" Champstiles Woodburning Toronto

- my BOOMSTICK!! Boards.

- Muskoka chairs/wakeskates/longboards/spacers, Frenique Customs

- Always down to show some love, BC's Switchback Longboards

- Toronto's own Skate Invaders holdin down the Post Swap Shred at the Pooper

- Stoked to have Aimless Skate on board as a late addition!

Click on the poster below to visit the event page for the 6th Annual Swap Meet!  People have already started posting what they are bringing and further updates will be made there.

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