The RockitRuler has helped board builders around the world to accurately layout the centerline and mark their Old School truck holes square to each other. Just over a year after introducing the innovative RockitRuler, the Roarockit Skateboard Company is now proud to announce the new RockitRuler 2.0.
We have gotten a lot of great feedback on the original design, and the tool has basically stayed the same except for one small detail... we have added two new holes! New School truck holes to be exact.
The addition of the extra holes will allow builders to mark the placement of their New School trucks. This option will help when designing custom street decks with the smaller baseplate, or for anyone who wants to drill the full six hole configuration.
It's a small change, but something we took into consideration from builders feedback. Everything else has stayed the same, including the holes for spacing your Old School trucks that run along the length of the tool. Basically, if you want to layout for New School, you will have to flip the RockitRuler and use the new holes on the one end. We have updated the instructions on the tool to reflect this change.
The RockitRuler 2.0 will be available for the same price of $34.99
Feel free to email or call us with any questions you may have.
If you have not seen the RockitRuler in action, check out our original instructional video below:

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