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Entries in longboard (19)



The Roarockit Skateboard Company is again hosting this years Annual Swap Meet. Not only does the Swap Meet mark the unofficial launch of the new skate season, but it also the time when local board builders start planning for the Summer ahead.  We will be offering some great deals for this special day, and as always FREE BBQ!! 

The theme of this years special is "Become a Pro Builder Today!"

What we are offering is a chance to walk away with EVERYthing you need to start building your own custom skate/longboard decks, including a few brand new products we are very proud of - such as our brand new High Density Foam and the innovative Rockit Ruler!

You can get great deals on almost all of our every day products, including Titebond III glue, 1/16" maple veneers and 20"x70" TAP bags - but most exciting is the fact that you can walk away with ALL of these products for the low package price of $225!! That's over $40 in savings.

The total package includes:

1-   20"x70" TAP Kit (our most popular vacuum bag)

18- Sheets of 12"x48" maple veneer (enough for two, 9 layer decks)

1-   2" Slab of High Density Foam (used to make your own custom mold)

1-   Gallon bottle of Titebond III glue (best glue for building boards)

1- Rockit Ruler (used for marking centerline and aligning truck holes)


Items will also be available individually, but this is a ONE DAY ONLY promotion.


We look forward to seeing everyone out again this year, and hopefully a few new faces as well!

The Swap Meet will be located at Roarockit's Teaching Facility located at 880 Millwood Rd. Toronto ON M4G 1X1 on Sunday March 25th from 12pm-4pm



March Break - Drop Deck Class

Roarockit Skateboard Company in partnership w/ Longboard Living are proud to present our brand new March Break Drop Deck Build!!  

We have developed the FIRST EVER, clampless and precut - 1" drop deck build! 

Over the course of 5 days you will be taken through the step-by-step process of laying out, pressing and decorating your very own Drop Deck Longboard. This special class will first take place during the Ontario school semesters March Break, and is limited to 10 students aged 10-16.  

Not only will you walk away with your own hand-built and custom decorated 1" Drop Deck. But you will also receive all the hardware needed to setup your new ride (including wheels, trucks, bearings, grip and hardware), a helmet, t-shirt and a celebratory pizza lunch on the last day!!  

The cost of the course is $439 + hst, and will take place at Roarockit's Professional Board Building School located @

880 Millwood Rd. Toronto, ON - M4G 1X1


It will run from:

Monday, March 12 - Thursday, March 15 from 9:00am - 11:30am

with the final class taking place:

Friday, March 16th from 9am-5pm


But wait, there's MORE!

You will also receive a lesson on how to setup your new board, and tips on riding a drop deck from a Longboard Living representative.

We are extremely excited to offer this brand new class, and it is sure to be a great time!  If you are interested in signing up you can download our Sign Up Sheet located at the link below.  Fill it out and either email or fax it back to us to reserve your spot.  

Entry is based on a First Come (and PAID) First Served basis.


March Break 1" Drop Deck Build - Sign Up Sheet HERE

EMAIL Forms -

FAX Forms - 416 422 1172

Feel free to phone or email us with any questions regarding the classes


Toll Free 1-888-857-7790


Oldie But A Goodie...

 This video was directed by our good friend Brandon Steele, and is a must see for any fan of skateboarding, claymation and straight up hilarity!

It was featured in the 2009 Concrete Wave Evolution DVD and is an instant classic.



Welcome to Rockit Talk

The Roarockit Skateboard Company is proud to present our new blog/community, known simply as... ROCKIT TALK!!

Rockit Talk is our way of highlighting the amazing projects and contributions, that come from our extended (and very talented) Roarockit family.  Everyday we are lucky enough to see work created by people using our Thin Air Press technology, and everyday we are amazed by what people have come up with.  These projects range from designing skateboards to building boats, and are only limited by the imagination of the builders themselves.

It is our goal to create a place to display these innovations, and make use of all forms of social media to help educate and exhibit our communities' progress.

We encourage everyone to submit photos, videos and any information that we can use to help bring exposure to your work.

Roarockit would like to thank you all for your support, and we continue to look forward to seeing what amazing creations you all come up with.

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