Lars Erickson Board Company
It's always fun to see up-and-coming board builders, with a passion for the industry, progress in their craft with the help of Roarockit Technologies. In this edition of Rockit Talk, we will be profiling a young builder named Lars Erickson who has been documenting the development of his own custom longboard company through various websites and videos posted to his 'Gnarfarian' YouTube channel.
Lars has been building custom boards for almost two years now, and has recently added the Thin Air Press vacuum bag process to his arsenal.
“I have been using my Roarockit vacuum bag now for half a year. It is working very well and I have been pressing customs and riding some of my very own decks... To me board building is all a process. Longboarding is a process. One that challenges barriers and walls set in our souls. It helps expand what we are capable of and push our limits.”
Lars currently lives in Kansas, and is constantly building and getting input from riders in his area. He plans to put that experience to use when he leaves for college, and starts selling his new topmount speed board on campus. Not only will he have a new set of customers, but he can teach them how to shred as well!
“Longboarding to me offers many benefits. It isn't just about going fast or learning to slide... I mean, going fast is totally awesome, but longboarding offers so much more than that. It can boost cinematography, woodworking and even people skills!”
"I hope to continue my board building and eventually start a larger company. It's definitely gonna stay with me my entire life."
As you can tell, Lars is very passionate about both building and riding his own longboards, and you can follow his exploits on his awesome YouTube channel, and his own personal blog – LarsLovesPeace – He is also sponsored by Daddies Board Shop to help test out new products and give reviews.
Check out the Lars Erickson Board Company on Facebook