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Lisa Farrows Art

The Roarockit Skateboard Company loves showing off the work done by people in our community, and one of the brightest stars around is Ms. Lisa Farrows!

Lisa is an Outdoor Educator for the Peel District School Board and works with an expulsion program called Fresh Start two days a week. As both a passionate painter and longboarder, she has managed to incorporate both hobbies into her lesson planning and gets students to paint deck-shaped canvases in the classroom... very cool!

You may also recognize Lisa from the Ministry of Wood - as the first artist to be featured in our Builder of the Month section a few years ago. She does some incredible custom paint jobs on boards, often for events or fundraisers, and has even started restoring some historical pieces from around the city:

“...most recently I've been doing restoration work at the Flatiron Building and the Dineen building at Yonge and Temperance. It's been incredible to put my mark on two historical buildings in Toronto. Both buildings have 6 vault doors that are over 100 years old that I've done replication work on. At the Denine building there was a 150 year old safe that was found in an elevator shaft that I brought back to life ... Next on the list is a furnace door and an elevator. It's so exciting.”

Lisa has also worked closely with Rob from Bombora Boards to create some very special decks that were donated to the Boarders Against Breast Cancer fundraiser, and the annual Hospital For Sick Kids Gala.  

And what does the future have in store for Ms. Farrows?

"Who freakin knows! I'm sure there will be more Art, Adventure and Good times..."

You can check out more of Lisa's art on her Facebook page @ or follow her on Instagram @Farrows

You can also email Lisa for a quote on a custom design -