The Generation Grind – Skateboard Art Show was recently on display at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, ON. The show ran from April 14-20th, and the grand opening event (Wednesday, April 16th) attracted over 250 people from the local skateboard and art community.
Generation Grind matched up local artists with students from the Oasis Skateboard Factory (OSF) to collaborate on a series of boards based on their experiences as youth in the city.
Each board was available for auction, and the event raised over $1600 in support of the innovative OSF program. Below is a recap of the work put into creating the exhibit, and the finished boards that were on display.
Students teach their partnered artist how to build a skateboard from scratch!
Students press their laser etched decks, and a collaboration with the infamous artist Runt.
Pyrography collaboration with Champstiles Woodburning Toronto
OSF students show off their freshly etched veneers
Week after week, semester after semester, the Oasis Skateboard Factory (OSF) always amazes us with the diversity of projects and events they find themselves a part of. Many people see what they are doing and think, "That's so cool, I wish I could do that in school!"... well, YOU CAN!
Click on photo for more information about the OSF program and enrollment.
Not only do we offer our innovative board building programs to different schools and community groups around the world, but the OSF is always looking for new students to enroll in their innovative program.
They are now open every Wednesday at 9am to speak with potential new students and/or their parents about the program and enrollment.
Fresh on the heels of the successful Board N' School Skateboard Art Auction, the OSF students were back at it setting up a display of their own at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) for National Youth Arts Week. Students spoke to reporters and the public about their program, and even got to meet former Gorvernor General of Canada - Michaelle Jean.
Just another great example of the oppourtunities students at the OSF get to take part in.
This past weekend - April 19-21, 2013 - saw the opening of the Oasis Skateboard Factory (OSF) and Roarockit Skateboard Companies first ever skateboard art auction! The event helped launch Roarockit's new Lil' Rockit builder kit, and raised money for the school by having some of Toronto's finest artists do graphics on 19 hand built boards.
In preparation of the show, each student paired up with a different artist and taught them how to build their own board using the Thin Air Press vacuum bag system. After working on the construction, each pair designed an image that incorporated the "Board N' School" theme to apply to the bottom of the deck. Artist's then took their boards home and brought the vision to life!
Left: John Marriott pours the glue - Right: Zanette Singh goes over board designs
Artist and Student Collaborated Board Designs
Friday, April 19th - the grand opening party at the Gladstone Hotel's Art Bar. The Roarockit crew arrived early that morning and worked with the OSF students to help set up the show, which included a giant 'Handmade with Roarockit Technology' sign that the kids had made earlier that week in class.
ROCK's OSF Mural Club use math to create the 'Roarockit Technology' sign
Lauren puts the finishing touches on the chalkboard displays.
Craig Morrison addresses the troops before the start of the show.
The night was filled with great vibes, familiar faces and an overwhelming sense of pride that could be felt from the students as they talked about their innovative program, all whilst keeping a watchful eye on their board's rising bids... they even brought out some of their signature 'Hooky' boards to shred around the gallery!
Everyone had a great time at the opening, and almost all of the boards were bid on and won by some very generous and stoked individuals! We would like to thank everyone who came out to support the Oasis program and helped show these students what can be achieved with some hard work and planning.
Also, a BIG shout out goes to the Gladstone Hotel, all the artists involved, Lauren and Craig from the OSF...and whoever brought that cake that was chillin in the back!
Everyone here at Roarockit also deserves a bit of a pat on the back as well ;)
When: Opening reception and silent auction Friday, April 19 7:00-9:00pm
Exhibit April 19-21
Friday April 19th sees the Gladstone host a retro mini-skateboard silent auction of rolling artworks by local artists in support of the Oasis Skateboard Factory (OSF), the world's only skateboard and street art design themed high school program.
A variety of high- profile Toronto artists have partnered with OSF students to create original school-themed works of art on hand-crafted skateboards, and to celebrate the launch of Roarockit’s brand new “Lil' Rockit” skateboard kit, which Roarockit has generously donated for this event. These skateboard art collaborations will be displayed in the Art Bar at the Gladstone Hotel, a community-minded arts hub where design, art and activism intersect, from Friday April 19th through Sunday April 21st, 2013.
Students had the opportunity to teach high profile Toronto artists how to build skateboards by hand. In turn, students then got to collaborate with their artist mentor on a graphic for the board. Typically, OSF students are teenagers who have struggled to connect with high school but through our program focus on creative and entrepreneurial learning with ‘real world’ results they have seen incredible success. Local artist mentorships of students built on that success, exposing students to adult role models who work in the arts while giving them an opportunity to show off their final project in a legitimate gallery. All proceeds of the auction go towards expanding OSF’s innovative program of creative project- based learning and social enterprise.
This past Thursday (Feb.14th), the Roarockit Skateboard Company hosted the new and returning students from the Oasis Skateboard Factory at our 131 Sunrise Ave. location for the first time. We had a great time meeting the new students, and it is always a pleasure to share our history and work space with these creative individuals.
Together, Oasis and Roarockit have some big plans for this years intake. We look forward to collaborating on some great events, custom 'Dream Board' builds, and most importantly - helping these students graduate...Stay tuned!!
Here are a few pics from their visit:
Impossible to get a clear action shot of these kids devouring the pizza!Couple of great panoramic shots of the Roarockit tourNorah, Ted, Nico and Sarah introduce themselves and talk about the businessPizza Party!
Chris explains the CNC machine and how to keep the shop organizedMarcel shows his enthusiasm towards cleaning up