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Handmade with Roarockit Technology

2012 has been a huge year of transition for the Roarockit Skateboard Company. From moving to a brand new location, helping facilitate the growth of our Australian (Australian Skateboard Kits) and U.K. (Foo A Rage) distributors, to the release of the RockitRuler skateboard tool – Roarockit has been focused on the future of board building around the world, and all of this coincides with our 'Handmade with Roarockit Technology' campaign.

The idea of the 'Handmade with Roarockit Technology' campaign is to help promote the quality craftsmanship that goes into each board and project made using our Thin Air Press. Sometimes independently made products, and especially skate/longboards, get a bad reputation for being 'poor' quality. This is often a response to the perception that only large companies make quality products. There is also a learning curve attached to building goods by hand, which can contribute to a perceived lack of quality, when in fact it is more a case of inexperience.

Everyone makes mistakes, even big companies, but it is important to learn from that experience to get better. We have seen so many builders progress their skills over the years, learn from their mistakes, and now produce some of the highest quality goods around. This is why we want to promote these high-quality products that have been.... you guessed it - 'Handmade with Roarockit Technology'! 

You may have noticed receiving our new 'Handmade' stickers in a recent order. We are giving away one of these stickers for every board's worth of material sold to builders across the world. The stickers themselves are printed on a thick, glossy stock, and are highly reflective. We encourage builders to put these stickers on their finished products to show their support for handmade quality. They also look great on helmets, or as a giveaway for customers when they buy one of your boards.


Now that there are a few thousand of these stickers floating around, we want to hear what this sticker means to you?  Tell us why you support 'Handmade' goods for your chance to win a Roarockit Swag Pack!  

Check out for more details

Rules & Regulations  

  • No purchase necessary

  • Prize can only be awarded to someone residing in US or Canada

  • We have the right to use user submitted content for promotional purposes

  • Contest will be promoted on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, but are not sponsored, administered by, or associated with these companies

  • Any submissions with profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, racism, religious, political or as deemed inappropriate by the organizer will be disqualified from prize considerations